
It’s estimated that one in four people suffer from allergies. Seasonal or not, they play a huge role in how we feel on a day-to-day basis. Allergy symptoms can range from minor sensations such as sneezing or puffy eyes to more life-threatening behaviours such as anaphylaxis. Luckily, advancements in allergy research have led to an abundance of treatment options. Our Allergy Specialists will provide an initial consultation to help you diagnose your specific allergies using our in-house technologies. From there, they will help you understand the next steps to becoming a more comfortable you.


Your immune system is responsible for fighting off any unwanted bacteria in your body. Whether it be from fighting cancer or battling a chronic illness over a long period of time, our immune cells weaken. Our Immunology Specialists provide a holistic approach to building your immune system through a process called Immunotherapy. Our Allergy and Immunology Specialist is equipped with the knowledge to suggest the correct treatment so you can take one step closer to becoming a happier and healthier you.

Speak with Dr. Kateryna Vostretsova