What It's For

  • Excess fat underneath chin

    Excess fat underneath chin

  • Specifically targets and reduces fat cells

    Specifically targets and reduces fat cells

  • Non-invasive procedure

    Non-invasive procedure

  • Great for those who want to see change in their neck but hesitant in undergoing surgery

    Great for those who want to see change in their neck but hesitant in undergoing surgery

How It Works

Belkyra involves the use of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that specifically targets and reduces fat cells in the affected area. The injections are placed in the submental area underneath the chin. Our medical injectors are careful in their injections and always use sanitized needles when performing this practice.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many treatments will I need?

    Most patients treated with Belkyra see visible improvement of their chin profile in 2-4 treatments, while some may require up to 6 treatments to achieve optimal results. Once desired results are achieved, additional treatments may not be necessary.

  • What is the recovery time?

    Swelling can last between 2-4 weeks, and many patients experience areas of hardness that can take 6-8 weeks to resolve. Numbness in the treated area is common and may gradually diminish over several months.

  • How long will results last?

    Belkyra permanently removes fat cells, so once the cells are gone, they're gone forever. However, if more weight is gained, your remaining fat cells could get bigger.

  • Does the treatment hurt?

    During the treatment, most patients experience some stinging and pain at the injection site. There are minimal side effects, such as bruising, swelling, numbness, and tenderness.